How you can avoid static shock

I really don’t like the dry season, and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. My skin becomes dry, and the atmosphere seems dull. As if that’s not bad enough, I sometimes get shocked when I touch my metal doorknob. It’s referred to as a "static electricity shock."

What causes static shock?

A static shock is not a true electrical shock like touching a live wire; it is the natural balancing of negative (electrons) and positive (protons) charges between two materials. Some of the charges are distributed by moving from one material to another when two materials come into contact. It might produce too much positive charge from one object and too much negative charge from another. When the two materials are divided, each one takes charge of it. If your body has an excess charge and you come into contact with an object that has the opposite charge, a spark may jump to or from your body. Some of the causes are dry skin and synthetic clothing.

How To Prevent Static Shock:

  1. Try different types of shoes: Try several pairs of shoes to see which ones produce the most (or least) shocks. Rubber and leather soles are the best for reducing static shock, but synthetic soles on a synthetic carpet are more likely to create shocks.
  2. Choose natural fabrics: Static electricity is generated more intensely by some materials than by others, such as polyester. During the dry season, it is advisable to start wearing more cotton or wool. Remember to include your bedsheet, pyjamas etc
  3. Moisturize dry skin: Consider applying moisturisers or lotions if you have dry skin because it can lead to static buildup. You can try out different moisturiser brands to find the most suitable one for you. Since shocks typically affect the hands and fingers, applying lotion may be enough.
  4. Use a humidifier: Dry air is one cause of a static shock. A humidifier should be installed to reduce static shock. Tabletop humidifiers can help with specific moisture issues, while whole-room humidifiers help distribute enough humidity throughout the house. You can check out some here
  5. Add Baking Soda: There are so many wonderful uses for baking soda around the home, and here’s one more. Add ½ cup of baking soda, along with laundry detergent, during your next load of laundry. Baking soda is a natural fabric softener that gets rid of static while keeping colours bright.

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