What you need to do when you get an invalid meter response

Oct 31, 2022

I am aware of how aggravating it can be When you would like to purchase an electricity unit but continually get error meter responses, especially when you want to catch up on your favourite movie or sports show.  You must keep this in mind in order to prevent or fix this.

Verify your entry of the meter number; you might have missed a digit. A meter number is an eleven (11) or thirteen (13) digit number. You can get your meter number on your previous receipt of purchase from AEDC (Abuja Electricity Distribution Company) or on the meter itself.

  • To do this on the meter itself, input the number 65 using the keypad and press (the red button or the button with the # sign or the sky-blue button).
  • Meters starting with 541/ 0215 series (press): 86 or 10 respectively.
  • Momas Meters starting with 621 series (press): 804
  • Mojec Conlog Meters starting with 041/042 series (press): #4#
  • Turbo Energy(L&G) meters starting with 070, 071 & 072, for single phase series (press): i025.

If you still need help you can email [email protected] or call our customer service team at 0908-749-3044 for further assistance.

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